An exhibition by
Kidnap your designer
+ Yannick Falisse
+ guest : Juão Peixoto Guimaraes Neto
(faixas painter in Belo Horizonte)
+ Yannick Falisse
+ guest : Juão Peixoto Guimaraes Neto
(faixas painter in Belo Horizonte)
The Mini Galeria has invited us to show our work but we prefer to put on a special show befitting this unique hand-made creation.
This exhibition is the first as it gave us the creative impluse to build this transatlantic project. With the help of our friend and ex-classmate Yannick Falisse who lives over there, we selected this particular medium then involved Juão Peixoto Guimaraes Neto, the local faixas painter. He specially produced up to a 100 of them and you will be able to admire the best ones at the galery as well as "in situ" photographs that bring up all the meaning if you look carefully !
A exposição é composta por:
- de mais de 100 FAIXAS original pendurado em um espaço pequeno.
O visitante é convidado a atravessá-los fisicamente.
- de fotografias de FAIXAS em situações em 30 locais diferentes divididos entre o Brasil ea Bélgica.
Thank to the Mostra de Design 2011 the exhibition is extended to the end of May.
Angelina Camelo
Mini Galeria
Av. Cristovão Colombo 550
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais - Brazil